I manage a very popular and long-standing LISTSERV list that serves  
as a tech support forum for a particular type of software. I manage  
this list on a volunteer basis on the LISTSERV 14.5 that I also  
happen to maintain.

Recently, a prominent author of books relating to the kind of  
software that my list supports requested that I share my list with a  
new Mailman forum that he is in the process of setting up. I fully  
support that idea for various reasons.

We have a way to allow the Mailman list to accept postings from my  
LISTSERV list, but I not quite clear on how to do the reverse. I want  
to allow anyone who is subscribed to this new Mailman list to post to  
my list via Mailman. My list is configured with "Send= Private". My  
list's archives will be stored on this gentlemen's web site. I am not  
interested in storing the archives for his Mailman list's archives,  
so that makes things simpler.

If anyone has any idea on how I can configure my LISTSERV  list to  
accept postings from a Mailman list, please let me know. I will NOT  
open this list to public postings though. I am willing to do a bit of  
scripting if necessary.