On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 19:03:16 -0500, Pete Weiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I used the new web form to search the archives, but that for no longer has a SENDER to subset the search (I was looking for LSOFT posters).

By default, your initial login preferences are set to 'Basic'.  For 'Basic'
level users, you cannot search by Subject Line or by Sender.  To get these
back, change your login preferences ot 'Expert' mode.   Top bar, far right
side, click the 'Preferences' button, just under the "?" help link.

There are up to 3 pages of various preferences (depending on your privilege
level).  If you make any changes on one page, you must 'Submit' those changes
for that page before going to another tab/page.