On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:49:01 +0200, Daniel Salaciak <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>You suggest the following change:
><form action="http://your.server.here/scripts/wa.exe">
>I don't have a /scripts folder (for whatever reason) and have to point to:
><form action="http://your.server.here/app/wa.exe">
>Why don't I have a 'scripts' folder?  

You didn't make this when installing and/or your version of your webserver
(IIS?) possibly uses a cgi-bin directory.

>Is it alright to execute wa.exe out of the 'app' folder?  

Yes, as long as the rest of the WWW interface is working correctly.  If not,
then you have a more fundamental problem you first need to resolve.

Incidently, your server is not (yet) accessible to the outside world either
via WWW or email.  This makes it very difficult to assist you.

>I tried to join a list on our LISTSERV using the form but I get 'The page cannot 
>be found'.  The address being sent by my changes to signupdemo.html on our 
>listserv is as follows:
>LIST&A=1&[log in to unmask]&p=Daniel+Salaciak&L=CARDINAL-HIGHSCHOOL-
>Do I really want to refer to SUBED2?  I don't know what else I would change it 

You have an error here:

<form action="href="http://listserv.lgca.org/app/wa.exe>

should be

<form action="http://listserv.lgca.org/app/wa.exe>

>Please refer to the attachment for the code I modified and am executing.  I 
>appreciate your looking at it as I know you'll see something I missed (either 
>based on my two questions above or looking at the attachment).

I would delete the Topics section.  LISTSERV-Lite does not support Topics.
Otherwise you will get an error.  

You also have a spelling error in this listname:

   <option value="CARDINAL-MIDDLESCHOOL-PARENT-LIS">Cardinal - Middle School
Parent Communications