My understanding of the file is that it has to be in the root directory of the webserver.

Nate Eckstine (DoIT)

City of Seattle Department of Information Technology
700 Fifth Ave. Suite 2700
Seattle, WA 98124-4709   USA

Work (206) 733-9658
Fax (206) 684-0911


>>> Darren Evans-Young <[log in to unmask]> 10/31/2007 2:30 PM >>>
On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Nate Eckstine wrote:

>Try this.
>Place a robots.txt file into the root of the web server with this text in it. Asterisks aren't in the file.
># robots.txt for http://yourservernamehere 
>User-agent: *
>Disallow: /
>This will stop all spiders and bots from searching anything on the server. The ones that respect the robots.txt file.
>Search on google for robots.txt if you want to customize it.
>Nate Eckstine (DoIT CityWide Webteam)

I figured something like that would work. But I dont have access to the
web server doc root. Would putting this in Listserv's archives directory
prevent their bot from searching just that directory (and down)?
