In IIS you can take a URL and redirect it to another specific URL
You could make the wa.exe file a default file for a directory.
You could also create your own extension *.xyz and make it executable.

Nate Eckstine (DoIT CityWide Webteam)

City of Seattle Department of Information Technology
700 Fifth Ave. Suite 2700
Seattle, WA 98124-4709   USA

Work (206) 733-9658
Fax (206) 684-0911


>>> Randy Klumph <[log in to unmask]> 10/10/2007 1:27 PM >>>
(Reply from Randy Klumph) - Nathan Brindle wrote:
>Oh, good.  I didn't know if you'd have to go in and declare to IIS 
>that .cgi was a legal executable extension or not.

Hmm - It may still be a possibility for others using IIS. The previous 
server administrator may have already done that for other reasons. At 
the time he was running several apps utilizing cgi

Randy Klumph
[log in to unmask] 
The National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness
The Teaching Research Institute
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth, OR 97361