On: Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 06:47:46PM -0500,John Cunniff Wrote:

} I am having a little problem with my elderly subscribers that breaks my
} list rules to keep going off-topics or blamed on someone else indirectly
} or directly, depends on a message they post, for example. My co-owner
} and I would like to put some subscriber on a REVIEW mode to prevent from
} any arguments on my list. But I remembered when I had REVIEW in the
} default-option but removed REVIEW a long time. If I posted a message, I
} gets message from LISTSERV telling me that my messages has been
} forwarded to the list owner for approval. How do I quiet down the mail
} message telling my REVIEW'd subscriber from being notified? What
} template should I look for and how do I edit it?

In your (listname-l).mailtpl, add the lines:

>>> POST_EDITOR Message sent to user when posting is forwarded to editor

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L