Now that I have the DBMS working, I'd like to import a file containing
my subscriber list.

When I try, I get:

"An error occurred when transmitting the uploaded file to LISTSERV. The
error code was 17."

The log provides a bit more detail:

> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53 >>> Error X'00000011' opening file
> /data/listserv/home/1159193002632781.tmp <<<
> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53  -> Severity: Warning
> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53  -> Facility: Generic error codes
> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53  -> Abstract: File/major entity not found
> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53  -> I/O mode: Record read

Now, I understand that this error means "File not found" in this
instance (since the directory does exist).  What I'm not understanding
is why.  My guess, of course, is that permissions were wrong so the file
didn't get uploaded.

/data/listserv/home does exist
/data/listserv/home has 777 permissions (it was 755, but I opened it up
while testing)

Sort of the kicker for me is that my first set-up was without the link
to MySQL and the same file uploaded and imported without a hitch.  Now
that we're linked to a database, it won't upload.

The information is all in another database on the system (and I think my
next task will be to just link this list to that database), so I suppose
I could just populate the tables from that, but my worry is that if I
leave this unfixed that it will mess something else up a bit further
down the road.