On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:25:00 -0600, Mickey Chandler <[log in to unmask]>

>> 26 Nov 2008 08:59:53 >>> Error X'00000011' opening file 
>> /data/listserv/home/1159193002632781.tmp <<<

This error suggests that the uploaded file (I assume you mean uploaded via the
WWW interface) is attempted to be written in the wrong location where Apache
does not have permissions.

When you setup the LISTSERV www interface, you specified a directory where
LISTSERV would put its web archive pages.  Since LISTSERV is designed to
co-exist peacefully with any existing web site pages, this is usually a
directory named ~/archives placed one level below the normal 'webroot'
directory.  For example, if your webroot is /var/www/apache/htdocs then the
'root' for LISTSERV use would be /var/www/apache/htdocs/archives.  This dir
(and any sub dirs) needs to be owned by 'listserv'.  You can verify this
because upon startup LISTSERV will write 5-6 files to this directory.  If that
is not successful, you need to fix the permissions and repeat until it works.  

However, what is poorly documented is that you also need to create the
directory /var/www/apache/htdocs/archives/upload which must also be owned by
'listserv'.  This is the directory where uploaded files are stored before/while
being worked on.  If this directory does not exist, then LISTSERV will try to
instead use its 'main' directory (typically ~/listserv/home) which must exist
or LISTSERV would fail to run at all.  Of course LISTSERV has full permissions
on its 'home' dirs, but Apache (which is running the 'wa' cgi probably does
not.  This problem also occurs if you have a directory traversal problem
between /var/www/apache/htdocs/archives/upload and /data/listserv/home.  (Some
dir in that chain of dirs will have xx0 permissions, i.e. the 'other' user will
have no permissions at all, but needs r+x or xx5 perms to allow traversal.)

The binary install kit script does create this dir and sets the permissions
properly, but the manual install using the Makefile does not do this, so it
needs to be done manually.  

In your case the *.tmp file is trying to be written to /data/listserv/home
instead of /var/www/apache/htdocs/archives/upload.  Please verify this dir
exists and has the correct permissions.  If those are correct and you still
have the problem, then you need to check the traversal chain.