On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 08:14 -0600, Birchler, Gary wrote:
> We have a list that has started to be held from delivery for some reason. Is there some way we can prevent this from happening? It has worked fine for a long time and now for the past ten days it has been held on the listserv server instead of being delivered to the subscribers of the list.

The most common reason here is if it can't write to its archive,
either because of a disk problem or because of the quota feature.
(You might not have the quota feature - we have a special type of
license in order to have that.)  Second most common is that they
posted too many messages in one day (above the Daily Threshold
for the list).  If it's the Daily Threshold, using the Free command
and then rethinking what you want for your Daily Threshold is an
easy fix.  But if it's a problem writing to the archives, the
Free command will just make Listserv get up and run into the brick
wall again.  However, it should sent another message to the list
owner when it does so.  (It should have sent a message to the list
owner when it went on hold the first time too.)

Margaret King
Michigan State University