On Fri, 2 Oct 2009 13:27:37 -0400, "Sneed, James" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>You'll probably need to repopulate your list so that these changes apply to all the subscribers.

This is generally not necessary and my be undesirable for several reasons.  If
you make a change to the Default-Options= settings and want them to apply to
all subscribers, you can simply send the command:

 QUIET SET listname desired_options FOR *@*

For example, in the case under discussion that would be

 QUIET SET listname NOPOST FOR *@*

You generally want to use the 'QUIET' modifier so LISTSERV does not send out a
notification to all list members.  It not only saves wear and tear on the
server it also saves the List Owner from having to respond to a dozen or so
'What the heck?' kind of queries.