>>> Ben Parker <[log in to unmask]> 12/16/2009 11:54 PM >>>
>On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 00:09:36 -0500, Michael Wishart
><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >We have a new list aimed at users who are known to be less than stellar with technology. We want to see how many are actually using the web interface, as  opposed to email, to access the list. If we can get an idea how many are actually using the web interface it can give us some clues as to how best to further  market the list amongst this group. Hence, the question 'how many users are using the web interface?'.
> You could also simply post a message to the list asking people.  You won't get
> 100% accurate response but it will be surprisingly good, and much easier than
> a lot of background sniffing around, parsing log files, checking for
> passwords, etc.

You can also use one of the stats services like Google Analytics; you need to put the scripting into the web templates.