
I run a Mailman installation for a charity where we have around 4 lists, the busiest one being around 480 subscribers with 30 messages per day.

We moved from Freelists a couple of years ago to a Debian box running Mailman 2.1.14, and Exim as the MTA.  Everything works fine, but there is no search in the archives, and people are worried about the privacy options in the archives, as the email addresses are although obvuscated, can be viewed by anyone easily enough.  We also have most of our users manage their lists via email commands, and in Mailman, all these commands need to be confirmed by putting the user password in with the command, whereas in the old system, the user was sent a confirmation link to confirm their actions, which was a lot easier.  Would Listserv be the same in these regards?

I have read through some of the installation manual on Linux, and am wondering whether I can continue to use Exim as an MTA for Listserv, or whether it prefers Postfix/Sendmail?  Does anyone have any recipes for using Listserv with Exim, specificly so that Exim can see any new lists that are created in Listserv without manually editing the aliases files?
