On Sep 16, 2016, at 5:02 PM, Scott Kraczek <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Howdy,
> I had someone asking about creating an announcement list, but they wanted to be sure Listserv could tell them who had Unsubscribed, so when they bulk add recipients in the future, they don’t annoy people who’d already dropped off.
> I see they can download .csv reports for SIGNOFF requests, but I can’t seems to find many sign offs on any of my current lists. If this report works, at least they can diff future bulk adds and remove these people.

I think you’re talking about the List Activity Report page of the web interface.  If so, then these reports are based on the mailing list’s changelogs, so the change-log feature has to be enabled for the mailing list in order for this to work.

Information about changelogs, and how to enable them, can be found here:


I would also recommend making sure that addresses that have been removed due to AUTODEL be left off when the list is reimported, since sending repeated mail to bad addresses will often lead to your own mail getting blocked.  Additionally, you might want to pay attention to CHANGE records when re-importing.

> Is there a better way to block bulk resubscribes when someone wants to be signed off?

In general, I’d be concerned about situations where frequent bulk uploads to a mailing list are required.  Where are these addresses coming from?  Are you certain that these people want to be on the mailing list?  Since LISTSERV isn’t maintaining the subscriber list, how are you making sure that addresses that shouldn’t be on the mailing list aren’t being added back?  In this message, I’ll try to address that final item, which is good, but the others are also worth worrying about, I think.


Changelogs are a good way of keeping track of who’s joined and left the mailing list.  The information in these files doesn’t have to be reported on using LISTSERV’s web interface; you can also get it from the files directly.  (The changelog files will be in the listserv\main\ directory in a Windows insatllation, in ~listserv/home/ under Unix.)  The format of the files is described in the link above.

Once you have the information regarding what addresses you don’t want to get mail, you can prevent LISTSERV from ever sending them mail using LISTSERV’s ‘suppression list’ feature, which is described here:


LISTSERV won’t send mail to any addresses on the suppression list, so you have to be a little careful about using it, in cases where someone wants to be removed from one mailing list but still receive mail for a different one.

There isn’t an easy way to cause someone to be automatically added to the suppression list, if they leave another mailing list (or are automatically removed due to bounces, or whatever), so this would still need to be automatically maintained.  On the other hand, if you want to have a central list of addresses that can’t be mailed to, and don’t want to have individual listowners sanitize their bulk adds, then this might be the way to go.

Anyway, those are some thoughts that I had about this, off the top of their head, and I hope that one or more of them is useful.


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write to: mailto:[log in to unmask]
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