> We have a large amount of lists, some of which have fallen out of use, but I was wondering if
> there is a quick way to query which lists are currently being held.  I think I see a way to mass
> free them, but I do not want to free them if there is a chance it could tell me the list is older
> and no longer used.  I have looked through documentation a couple of times for this, but
> have not spotted it yet.  I could just be missing it, but I was curious if anyone out there could
> tell me.  Thanks for the help!  Have a great day!

Send a LISTS command from a Postmaster account.  Any list which is currently set to HOLD will have 'Note: this list has been held' displayed.  However, just because a list is held that doesn't mean it isn't active, nor does a list become held simply for non-use.  Is your intention just to find which lists have not been used for a long time?



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