When it comes to expanding your professional skill set, there are numerous compelling reasons to explore new opportunities. Stand out among your peers, boost your confidence and motivation and even keep your brain healthy and flexible. Check out the free, self-paced Learn LISTSERV and Learn LISTSERV Maestro courses to take advantage of the actionable knowledge and skills you'll gain.

Free Online LISTSERV Email Communication Courses


Let's look into the three key benefits of the LISTSERV® email course:

1. Learn how to reach and motivate your organization's audiences with all types of email communications, from email discussion groups and blogs to newsletters, alerts and other announcements.

2. Gain must-have skills to inform, engage and delight the people behind those organizations, building your subscribers' trust in your communications.

3. Expand your organizational knowledge and boost your IT and communications profile in just 15 minutes max per week, while mastering the pioneering LISTSERV software platform.

Sharpen Your LISTSERV® Skills


Now, let's explore the three key benefits of the LISTSERV® Maestro course:

1. Learn how to create, manage and implement all types of email marketing and outreach campaigns with powerful analytics to maximize the impact and results of your organization's communications.

2. Showcase the value of your organization's content with expert design, flexible templates and custom landing pages.

3. Simplify your communications with easy-to-use profile fields, target groups and subscriber lists to keep you and your multi-user teams collaborating and advancing your goals.

Advance Your LISTSERV® Maestro Skills
Learn LISTSERV Maestro


Bonus Benefits:

  • Access course and training resources to share with your team, new colleagues and end users.
  • Experience email automation in action, as the course runs on the LISTSERV Maestro communication platform. Perhaps you'd like to build your own courses in the future? 😊


Please Share Your Experiences and Questions – Happy Learning!

EmailRules - A LISTSERV Blog for Email Communicators

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