Since I will be  unavailble for 3-4 weeks, and there  have been many requests
for new features  and many fixes too,  I have decided to ship  a 'safe' version
of LISTSERV  before I leave. Considering  that I have been  shipping individual
fixes to  some of you without  keeping track of  who has which version  (not to
mention the 'hybrid' versions :-) ) I thought it better to distribute a VERSxxx
SHIPMENT containing all the LISTSERV material,  instead of the usual UPDxxx. It
will be larger  but there are three  new persons on this list  which don't have
any code, and the US people on this list have been moved to UIUCVMD, so a massi
ve VERSxxx sent  to the list is  better than a score of  customized UPDxxx sent
from FRECP11... So  I'm sending VERS13C MEMO and VERS13C  SHIPMENT to the list.
I will  also migrate the  European people on this  list to another  node before
  Harold, Chris and  Marty: do not install anything until  you get the LISTINST
MEMO file (from me). Notably the VERS13C  file you'll get from LISTSERV must be
downloaded last.
  If you  ever have serious  problems with LISTSERV  during my leave,  you will
perhaps be able to reach me at TAMVM1 (or somewhere in that area of the network
:-) ). Perhaps not -- my  Texas friends pretend that I ought  to try a computer
diet during my stay there... :-( ;-)
Have a nice holidays time,