  This is just a test mail on a test  list of a test LISTSERV... :-) I sent you
the memo yesterday, but already had to make some changes to the thing. There is
consequently a new memo... I added the following features:
- Zap the "Acknowledge-To:" field *grin*
- Allow the sender to select the  file format (Netdata, Disk, Card, Punch) when
  sending files. They now come with FORM = format.
- Optionally suppress all kind of notification to a given user (when linking to
  an "old model" listserv -- it won't get any ACK mail; I know it would discard
  it but it's useless traffic anyway).
- *sigh* Because  normal LISTSERVs will re-send  you the mail you  sent them, I
  have decided that anything coming from a  userid of LISTSERV was to be trans-
  ferred to the postmaster for verification, to avoid loops... :-(
  About To/Resent-To:  I presently concatenate  the two fields, and  generate a
X-To: entry (unless the only recipient is the list), and ditto for cc/Resent-cc
Is that the proper thing to do, or is there something I missed?