I would like to have LISTSERV send mail to local receipients for certain
lists with SEPARATE mail files sent to MAILER for each individual.  We have
some local uses of LISTSERV that could have large numbers of users on some
lists.  Users have already objected to long headers (all UA's seem to
insist on showing headers) and currently mail is sent with very short
headers formatted as compactly as possible, i.e. no personal names.
I would also like ot be able to control which nodes are to be considered
local on a per list basis.
Unless this feature already exists (which I cannot find in documents) then
here is my suggestion on how to specify this feature:
A new KEYWORD is defined for lists.  I suggest the keyword "LOCAL=".
This keyword will be assigned a list of one or more local node names.
It should be allowed by some means to specify a lot of nodes, including
mail-only nodes longer than 8 characters in length.  Multiple occurences
of the keyword on the list mean more nodes.  If a node is duplicated in
the list, perhaps the list owner(s) should receive a notice at some time.
An example might be: