I've just  got a very  surprising piece  of mail from  Judy -- sounds  like the
complete opposite  of what she said  on the BITNIC lists  about their LISTSERV.
Anyway it's good news :-)   /Eric
     Ricky  is  removing our  test  version  on  LISTSERV  today to  make  room
for  the  FRECP11 LISTSERV.  He  will  be testing  it  this  week and  we  will
probably like to switch it to our working version soon.
     We  need to  know how  you wish  to work  with BITNIC.  New sites  usually
find  the  Information  Center  quickly and  we  distribute  information  about
whats available.  Do you want to continue to distribute your code or
would  you want  us to  do it?  If  you will  continue to  distribute the  code
then do you want the same kind of relationship which we have with
Alan  Crosswell and  the  Crosswell Mailer?  With  the mailer  we  have a  help
file  called XWELL  INFO1 which  states where  to get  the Mailer  and a  breif
definition  of what  it does.  If  there is  a  problem with  the server,  will
you  be the  contact to  fix  it, or  to send  suggestions  to? Can  we have  a
list of sites running the FRECP11 LISTSERV and a list of the people
running the servers at each site?
     Harold  Pritchett  mentioned using  INFO  as  a  psudo-peer server.  I  am
not  convinced  that this  would  work  practically.  It sometimes  takes  more
than  a week  to go  through  the INFO  questions. If  ADD/REMOVE requests  and
Mailings are  mixed in  with the  other questions  there would  be unreasonable
delay. I wouldn't  want to go through  requests by hand and  check the topology
to find  out if  UGA's LISTSERV  is closer,  and to  write a  program to  do it
would be reinventing  the peer LISTSERV with a added  option of sorting through
non-related  requests. Anyway,  I  would like  to speed  up  the conversion  to
using your LISTSERV  Eric. If we can  set up communications with  you and Ricky
can send us a report on his tests,  then we will try the FRECP11 LISTSERV here.
Next we  would send a list  of nodes and  contacts which have the  BITNIC code,
so the FRECP11 code could be sent as a replacement.