>  Jose: your idea is good but  very difficult to implement at present. Perhaps
>when we have the fileserver functions it will be easy to automatically add the
>stats files to 'listname FILELIST'  with a GET=(listname) and PUT=Owner, which
>would allow the list  owner to delete them easily and  users to retrieve them.
>But at present, only  the postmaster would be able to  delete them or retrieve
>them :-( Any idea?
I think  I have not  expressed my  idea with the  sufficient clarity --  or, at
least, I  cannot see  any relation  between my idea  and your  reply. Currently
statistics  can be  got from  users, owners  or postmasters  as defined  in the
second  parameter of  the  Statistics=  keyword; this  could  continue to  work
as  currently does.  My idea  was only  to  add some  lines to  the STATS  file
(say *timestamp  totals-for-this period) and  to update those lines  along with
statistics for the user  who sent mail. The logic seems  clear to me: determine
in  which  period of  time  am  I, search  totals  for  the current  timestamp,
accumulate  if found,  else create.  Timestamps should  be generated  according
to the  setting of the statistics=  third parameter, i.e., one  each week, each
month,  or whatever.  I think  that updating  the STATS  command would  be also
Please correct me if I have missed anything.
Jose M. Blasco