Nonononono, it won't work like that. If  you send a line longer than 80 charac-
ters in the DISTRIBUTE "data" dataset, it  will get truncated since the file is
transmitted in  punch format.  DISTRIBUTE only  distributes verbatim  copies of
raw-card stuff, which must come in as  80-chars records in the job you send it.
Otherwise it  truncates. What you're  supposed to do is  use an exec  that I'll
have to write one of these days that punches the // JOB stuff and then executes
a DMSDDL, DISK DUMP, CARD DUMP, or whatever. What you get then is in the format
you have sent it, with all the job crap being removed (by the way, I just found
a complete JCL manual and MVS installation guide for ISPF among our system doc.
Don't ask me why IBM sends MVS doc to us -- they just do... *sigh*)
However if you  use Netdata format you  should be aware that  the poor ARPA-ers
won't get to see anything of  it. DISTRIBUTE will automatically add an envelope
when sending  to ARPA, but  if the contents  are illegible that's  the sender's
problem :-)
Jeff said he'd like LISTSERV to send distribution notifications as mail instead
of messages,  so that you  know from  whom the files  come. Should this  be the
default, the only possibility, an option, or what? :-)