Date: 12 October 1986, 13:13:01 EDT
From: Scott J.M. Campbell       (416) 599-5527       SCOTT at UTORONTO
I dont know if anyone has had this problem before, but I just sent something
to a list of mine on which there was a somewhat bogus acct name. (It was
my UNIX acct [log in to unmask]). Well when CANADA01 tried to redistribute
the mail to everyone it sent the mail to WISCVM (because of the .edu i guess)
WISCVM didnt like and bounced it back to CANADA01 who
immediately redistributed it to everyone, including the bogus acct. WISCVM
still didnt like it and subsequently rebounced it and so on creating a loop
where everyone on the list got mega-copies of the increasing size bounce mail.
I think it is better now (I removed the bogus acct), but shouldnt listserv
be able to pick out bounce mail and drop it or forward it to the owner
or something? Because especially with the way that the UNIX/ARPA/ETC world
is reformatting their mail to domain style, addresses may change and
more mail might get bounced....