Just a few quick facts about ARPA mailing lists:
1) The default gateway is WISCVM which doesn't know about MAILER.
2) There exists a gate at UCBVAX that *does* know about MAILER.  However, this
machine is only a VAX 750 and already loaded as a major gateway hub.
3) We are 4 hops from WISCVM, and are willing to create a LISTSERV list *if*
we have at least one local subscriber.  I'm not sure we can run lists for only
non-Clarkson people.  Eric:  Is there a way to tell LISTSERV to run some lists
only at off-peak hours?  If so, that would help a lot to add more lists.
4) Now for the *REAL* stickey point.  We are getting in a Milnet/Arpanet gate
here in the next few months.  I contacted Saul Jaffe, moderator of SF-Lovers,
about creating a re-distribution list for it here to serve the UCONNVM branch
of Bitnet, but he was not interested.  It seems he has gotten burnt fairly
badly with re-distribution lists, and doesn't have the time to track down
where a particular issue went awry.
I'm personally in favor of distributing any lists via LISTSERV.  My personal
first choices to run are SF-Lovers, Unix-Wizards, and Unix-Sources, mostly
because (a) they tend to be large and (b) I already subscribe to them :-)
                                   Valdis Kletnieks