ok, it was my mistake, I should  have shipped a 'clean' LISTSERV FILELIST but
on the  other hand  I wanted to  have a few  sample entries  in it to  help you
understanding how it works. Yet.... The INF-L, $LISTSRV NAMES, NETINFO FILELIST
and RSCSMODS  FILELIST should be  removed from  the filelist unless  you really
plan on using it, in which case  you should contact me to get the corresponding
files which were NOT included in the shipment :-)
  I'll try to write the file-server functions memos but it takes time and we're
installing VM/SP 4 (ie CP4) now -- a lot of political stuff including my having
to justify why I went on and  installed the thing intelligently instead of kee-
ping on with the starter system, re-installing all the products on it, creating
a parallel  machine on it,  transferring directory entries,  transferring mini-
disks, transferring  files via  RSCS and a  CTCA, ie making  up a  new parallel
system and switching it to RM at the very last moment. "When you have a problem
with the  system you  should call  the software support  center, not  call your
friends on the network and start hacking  at the system" (words from the IBMess
who came  in to "help" us  installing the thing) *heehee*  Vade retro, Satanas!
PS: You  might find  it amusing  to note  that the  IBM-supplied, IBM-installed
    VM/SP release 4 SLU 412 will reject about 50% of the LINK commands with the
    message "xxx  NOT LINKED -  USE A NONSHARED  VCU INSTEAD". This  problem is
    caused by  the IBM-default DMKRIO  ASSEMBLE which  defines device 123  as a
    3350 but  RCTLUNIT 120  as a  3272  terminal controller...  No comment  ;-)