Peter, OK, 20% I know.  CARD DUMP (which is not implemented on all systems,
I know) does give this as well.  I still have some problems with NETDATA,
namely in that the format has not been completely disclosed by IBM yet.
Additionally NETDATA, like the others, CARD and DISK, are machine dependant
on IBM systems, with tough decisions having to be made when non-IBM systems
try to emulate.  CARD DUMP also allows batching of files, which helps much
when sending large numbers of small files.  NETDATA can lose its 20% very
quickly when lots of small files are sent, due to header overhead AND all
the transmission acknowledgement messages created.  NETDATA on TSO is not
fully compatible with NETDATA on CMS.  I have sent data each way that cannot
be received by the other.  One example is sending a PDS from TSO.
Actually, a NEW format is really needed.