Well, you can already  move a user from a local list  to another one provided
you have the appropriate 1.5f fix. The contents of the mailfile state that your
host for  LIST1 has been  changed from LIST1@localnode to  LIST2@localnode, and
do not clearly indicate that the lists are different, but it does what you wan-
ted it to do.
  Considering the number of problems we had with 1.5e I'll ship my 1.5f version
as is, without  any further documentation :-( I will  use DISTRIBUTE although I
am pretty sure there will be problems;  those who get the files bumped to their
readers should  receive it on their  disk (with READER  HOLD so as to  keep the
copy in the reader), trash the job  header, re-punch the file to themselves and
use it  to install 1.5f.  Since I'm going  to add error-recovery  procedures to
DISTRIBUTE right now, they'll be able to transfer the file back to LISTSERV for
it to continue along the distribution path as if nothing had happened :-) Consi
dering the number of servers (42), I just can't go on and send out 42 copies of
a 2,500 lines file from FRECP11 to the rest of the world :-(