>I asked Udo Meyer a week or so ago about GENROUTS and JES2-n since I too
>would like to discontinue our UCLA routing table subscriptions (they are
>*nice*, but network traffic is getting out-of-hand!).
>Here is Udo's response...
>P.S. As soon as new GENROUTS w/JES2-n works, I will be generating our own
>     routing tables on-site and UCLA will have a couple fewer tables to gen.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I'm just preparing a new GENROUTS release, which includes also the
>JES2 offset for node numbers. It will be available from NETSERV about
>next week, I hope.
>Happy EARNing...Udo Meyer, EARN Coordinator Germany
Will the new GENROUTS release also remove the leading and trailing
garbage from the NETINIT files? It is difficult to automate the routing
table management process when you must examine and edit each resulting
Ross Patterson
Rutgers University