The standard message below lists "MSGack" as a valid option for setting
my ACK option, which implies the shortest response allowed is "MSG".
This doesn't work, I had to use "MSGACK" spelled out.
Trivial, but I tripped over it.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear networker,
  As of Tuesday, January the 20th of  1987, you have been added to the LISTSERV
distribution list  LSTSRV-L (The  Revised LISTSERV  distribution list)  by Eric
Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11>.
  Please note  that you can  change the amount  of acknowledgement you  wish to
receive from this  list upon completion of a mailing  operation. The command to
be used is the "SET" command, whose general syntax is "SET listname ACK|MSGack|
NOACK".  More information  about  this command  can be  found  in the  LISTSERV
General Introduction guide which you can obtain by sending an "INFO" command to
[log in to unmask]
   The LISTSERV management