I just sent my copy of PEERS NAMES to Valdis.  I believe that it is
correct, because I had to have Eric send it to me directly.  Mine
got messed up because it wasn't on the A disk.
The YALEVM-CUNYVM link being down was a real headache for us also.
It was down for close to 4 days.  It took almost a day to clear out
the CUNY side, and almost 2 to clear out the YALE side, even though
when the link came up, CUNY had almost twice as many files queued.
(I wonder if that was due to the aging priority scheme that Yale
uses, or to their being 2 Listservers to the North of Yale?)
I also have seen the problem Marty mentioned about listserv rejecting
a distributed mail.  But mine were rejected by Bitnic's after they had
been forwarded by Marty's listserv. (My chart earlier did not show this,
because I thought it was my problem, and I just started again with
those already delivered removed, and the new PEERS NAMES, which included
BITNIC, and did not include anyone at Marty's)
I also concerned that PEERS NAMES still thinks Lehigh is ok to use for
Maybe PEERS NAMES file needs a version number, and it should be transmitted
with stuff to help debug some of these problems.