Working with a couple of ARPA lists that are maintained by the coordinators
on ARPAnet,  I see a definite problem with the DELETE command.
These coordinators perform their own ADDs and DELETEs, making it a little
easier on their clientele.  The ADD works fine in a peer fashion, just
direct the command to a common LISTSERV, and it handles all problems
of figuring out which peer should have the user.  But delete it totally
different.  The default is the it must reside on that server - the opposite
of ADDHERE, not ADD.  The other alternative is the use the (GLOBAL option.
That is inconsistent with other options in that it requires the (.  The (
is consistent with CMS options definition, but LISTSERV generally doesn't
require them.  The REView command for instance allows the SHORT, MSG, COUNTRY
NOHEADER options to be selected in any order and without the (.
And if you do use the (GLOBAL, it goes to ALL peers, and gives you an
error message from all the ones that don't have that user.  I think that
the DELETE should by default forward the request to the correct peer if
it doesn't exist at that node.(Correct being defined as the one that
an "add" request would be sent to at that time).  GLOBAL can still be
defined as an "IGOR" that goes and gets rid of the problem on all peers,
thus even handling problems of duplicates.  If needed, a new command should
be added called DELHERE to force the delete to be handled at this location.