Oh boy!  My first suggestion.  Here goes.
The other day I wanted to retrieve the LSTSRV-L (& -D) notebooks if they
indeed existed.  So I sent the 'REVIEW LSTSRV-x' command to one of the
LISTSERVs, and searched thru the returned headers (of all the LISTSERVs)
to find one that kept notebooks.  Then I sent a 'INDEX LSTSRV-x' command
to the LISTSERV with the notebooks to get the fn & ft of each notebook.
Then I tried to 'GET fn ft'.  Oh no!  I'm not authorized to do that because
the GET FAC was 'PRV' and I am not subscribed to the list on this LISTSERV,
although I am on another LISTSERV.  So I had to send mail to the list owner
asking him to send me the notebooks, a boring task for him I'm sure.
Could each LISTSERV maintain a list of all the subscribers of a list to
solve this problem (of authorization)?  Or maybe there is some way to make
the whole process easier for the user?