We had distribution problems (the 5-cards  which have been moved 5 cards away
again) with UPD15G  SHIPMENT. The file was received and  processed correctly by
all servers, except that:
1. The WSUVM1 server had had DISTRIBUTE disabled  because it was not in its own
   tables. This  problem can not  occur any more with  1.5g but some  nodes may
   not have  received the files.  I'll check that with  Vic and have  the files
   resent properly
2. The files  reached NCSUVM without  problem, and were distributed  from there
   to SUVM (thence CANADA01, etc) without any problem. However, the copy recei-
   ved by  CMUCCVMA was  botched up  and consequently  all the  following nodes
   received a bad copy:
   If  your node  is among  this  list, please  discard the  shipment file  you
   received from me and obtain a new one from Harold.
   Now the question is:  why the heck was the file  botched? Funny, CMUCCVMA is
   the first node in the distribution path  that's on the other side of OHSTVMA
   (the dreaded RSCS V2 that doesn't  quite work perfectly yet). Another possi-
   bility is  that the CMUCCVMA  server has had  an installation problem  but I
   doubt it. I'll  check with Marc and  we'll re-install his server  if we find
   something wrong.
3. One of you has complained about getting  TWICE the same file on his LISTSERV
   disk after  the CARD LOAD.  This is due  to the incompatibility  between the
   VM/SP3  CARD  MODULE and  the  VM/SP4  one and  it  causes  the disk  to  be
   DESTROYED (that  is you'd better re-format  it). I've checked it  again, the
   version of  CARD that  is shipped with  LISTSERV is Rel  4. So  please check
   that YOUR  version of  CARD module is  either the one  I sent  with LISTSERV
   (release 1.4 or better  -- I can't swear that the  file shipped with release
   1.3 of LISTSERV was the good version),  or, if you have discarded it because
   it's on  a public disk at  your installation, please check  that the version
   on this public disk  is the release 4 one. Its lrecl should  be 8184 and the
   string "RENAME"  should appear in  the object  code, otherwise you  have the
   SP3 version. VM/SP3 systems are not affected of course.
4. As I had  said I was shipping  my TEST 1.5g version because  of the problems
   it solved with MAIL, et al. There are  also new features but I have NOT said
   that they were finished or that they  should be used. Some of you have found
   problems with the new commands and  sometimes managed to crash their server,
   which is  not surprising since  some of the  stuff is NOT  FINISHED. However
   they do have  a point when they say  that a general user should  not be able
   to bring the server down just because  I'm adding a new command and it's not
   yet operational. I'll  therefore try to finish what I  had started today and
   will distribute a 1.5h update shipment  to fix those problems. Sorry for the
   extra load,  but I  really didn't expect  people to sneak  into the  code to
   locate the new command entries in LSVCMD and LSVRDR, etc :-)
  A last word about  support of mixed case userids. This has  been a long story
and I'm  going to put it  to an end. I  have explained several times  why I did
not want  to allow mixed  case userids, what my  opinion of those  systems that
can't convert all caps to all lowercase is,  and how much of a pain it would be
for me  (and all french  users) to  have mixed case  userids when the  "@" sign
displays as "a"  on our terminals (so  what's anastasiaacadia? ANASTASI@ACADIA?
ANASTASIA@CADIA? etc).  I will  amend LSVADD  and LSVSORT so  as not  to upcase
domain-type userids,  while NJE-type  userids will  still get  upcased. Domain-
type userids are a  mess anyway so the "a" -> "@" problem  is acceptable and if
it can solve MAILER problems, tant mieux. I will not make a single other change
to  the  code  to  support  lower case  userids  for  NJE-type  addresses  like
[log in to unmask] I wish RFC822 had  imposed uppercase userids and node names.