I have  a release  n+1 of  LSVBITFD that is  basically the  same as  the one
shipped in FIX15I except that I  managed to improve performance by another 25%
(but that time I think we've reached  the limit... :-( ), ie 0.13/0.13 instead
of 0.17/0.17  with the  FIX15I one,  and that prints  *error messages*  on the
console log  when there  is an  error instead of  exiting with  rc=nnnn, where
several places  could give  the same return  code. Now each  error as  its own
message. The module  is a little larger (500 bytes?)  because of the messages,
and 168  additional bytes of work  area are required (that's  bytes not kbytes
:-) ). We  had our CS exam this  morning and while I was writing  (part of) an
absolutely enthralling  matrix printer  driver I  had the idea  to add  a hash
table to my dichotomic  search routine to speed it up :-)  I've made also some
changes that should speed it up on  a slow machine (4341 or smaller) but don't
bring anything on a large machine.
  I would then like  to make the MODULE available via  LISTSERV so that people
who write servers can  use it to determine whether someone is  'too far' to be
served or  suchlike. Now that the  tool is available  at a decent CPU  cost it
will be possible  to make servers more 'intelligent' or  rather, make them act
like in a less irresponsible fashion :-)