Since the "Revised LISTSERV System  Reference Library" is coming to life
(although the release numbers range from  1.5f to 1.6(!) ) we can expect
documentation on all the new and nice functions in some time.
(wish #1 - fulfillment in progress)
Since  there is  a  Mail-Via=DISTRIBUTE could  we have  (or  do we  have
already ?) the  same for files via  a LIST ? This  would make DISTRIBUTE
easier to use.
(wish #2 - a decent one ?)
Is someone  out there  who takes  the effort to  write a  something like
LSVPUT  to make  it easier  for DCBCs  (Dull Carbon-Based  Computers) to
create a DISTRIBUTE Job ? (I think  it would be used more often if there
were such a thing - in this  hours some heavily flickering link works on
a number  (>10) of  identical files  to pass where  one would  have been
(wish #3 - still waiting for the fairy to pop up)
And -  could the  syntax of TO  in the DISTRIBUTE  be expanded  to allow
Listnames  besides u@n  ? (I  know, this  would reduce  efficiency since
there could and will be some  "backward" distribution from the peers but
it would be an intermediate solution until fairy #3 comes).
(wish #4 - don't ask)