I strongly suggest that the motto should still be
"Be liberal in what you accept and strict in what you output" because
otherwise large portion of REAL mail would be again in my POSTMAST's
reader (Hate to even think about the early days of listserv :-().
It's a good thing to TRY to understand the syntax used but if you can't
manage then you'll have to use comment: lines or otherwise change it
to be an accetable RFC822 (RFC733?) file and send it anyway. You can
also add some warnings or notes in the comment: field like that
"real origin is user@node" based on the TAG information as it's done
now. If you can interpret the field, fine, then you should try to reduce
it to some "most common subset" of RFC822 to avoid getting hunreds (thousands)
of rejection messages from different mailers. In totally incomprehensible
cases you should put the whole thing in the BODY of the letter and
create headers from scratch with the tag info as the origin.
I used on my old much hacked BITNIC listserv From: [log in to unmask]
when it couldn't parse the address and passed everything through.
   Summa summarum: Listserv should accept ALL kinds of scrap files, except
those that seem to be looping, whether they are RFC-822, NOTE, JCL...
and change them to be valid RFC-822 mail with loop detection info (MSGID?)
but not too many bells and whistles.