Please note the copy of LINKFAIL mail below.
I will be on vacation next week (5/25-5/29).  Refer any problems to
Dick McDowell, MCDOWELL@AKRONVM; he is learning LISTSERV here as my backup.
Eric: You may want to remove LISTSERV@AKRONVM from the DISTRIBUTE backbone
      now rather than later...
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
May 30th-June 1st, the CPU environment at the University of Akron
will be changed such that node AKRON (MVS) and node AKRONVM (VM) will
be run from a single CPU (IBM 3090-200 VF).
AKRONVM will also be upgraded to VM/SP 4 HPO 4.2 at that time.
Downtime will be from Saturday 5/30 6 PM until Monday 6/1 12 noon.
Notably, LISTSERV@AKRONVM will be unavailable.
Affected nodes: KENTVM, KENTVMS