This is  a proposal  for a  new DISTRIBUTE  backbone. For  technical reasons
which I will explain  in another note, I will have  to redesign the DISTRIBUTE
algorithm to avoid  loops and to avoid the frustrating  "No recipient for this
server, probable  loop symptom, I've  sent all  the stuff direct  (as SENDFILE
would have  done) because my mumma  was not here to  tell me what to  do and I
didn't want  to do no bad  thing". I will  also have to implement  full RFC822
support into it. This new DISTRIBUTE  will NOT be compatible with the previous
one, so it must be implemented as a  new test command (eg DIST2), working on a
more restricted backbone (eg release > 1.5i). When the command has been tested
and  its backbone  is large  enough,  it will  be  possible to  phase the  old
DISTRIBUTE out  and rename DIST2  to DISTRIBUTE. The  syntax of DIST2  will be
compatible  with   that  of  DISTRIBUTE   from  the  user's  point,   but  the
server-to-server protocol will be different and incompatible with the old one.
That is, the user will not notice  any change when DISTRIBUTE is phased out to
DIST2, except a few additional options and slightly different messages.
  I therefore propose to define two categories of servers in the future:
1) Local server. A local server has  no obligation towards the network. It can
   run any release of the code, update when its postmaster sees fit, be placed
   offline from 1am to 11pm, etc. The server will appear in PEERS NAMES but it
   will be flagged as being a local server.
   The only two restrictions are:
    - If the postmaster complains about a  problem with LISTSERV and he is not
      currently at the  latest level, he will receive a  note telling him that
      his problem  will not be addressed  until he has upgraded  to the latest
      available version. This is stupid  and irritating for the postmaster but
      I am afraid I have no other choice.
    - Local servers are  not allowed to create peer lists.  Note that the term
      'peer list' should  be interpreted as meaning  'network-wide public peer
      list'. A closed  peer list local to the various  nodes of an institution
      does not fall into that category.
   A local  server can create  a network-wide list  by means of  the Mail-Via=
   DISTRIBUTE  feature.  Local  servers  can submit  DISTRIBUTE  jobs  to  the
   backbone, but will not receive any.  If a peer sub-backbone is required for
   the list (eg  if large archive files  are to be made  available), the local
   server's postmaster  should try  to find  hosts in  the backbone  or should
   become a member of the backbone. The  code will let the local server create
   peers but this will be strictly under the postmaster's responsibility and I
   will provide  no support if a  problem arises, files are  lost, etc. Again,
   this is stupid but I have no other choice.
2) Backbone server. A backbone server can do all of the above, can create peer
   lists and is supposed to receive  DISTRIBUTE jobs. The restrictions are the
    - A backbone server  should always be at the latest  available level. This
      means that  the postmaster should either  allow me to update  the server
      remotely, or take whatever steps are  necessary to update it in a timely
      fashion. This means the average delay  should not exceed 1 week, and the
      deadline should  be 2 weeks.  More than  60% of postmasters  install the
      code within 3-4 days so this should not be a problem.
    - A backbone server  cannot be placed offline on a  regular basis. It must
      operate 24  hours. It  can of  course be  placed offline  manually under
      particular conditions, lists can be held by their owners, etc.
    - A backbone server must be AUTOLOGged  when the system IPLs, and ought to
      be automatically restarted every N hours if  it ever logs off (if such a
      restart facility  is available  at the host  node). Operators  should be
      able to restart it if they are  also able to restart RSCS, etc. That is,
      the institution  should do its best  to have the server  restarted after
      some delay if it gets a paging error from CP, or suchlike.
    - A backbone server should have the latest version of BITEARN NODES, or at
      worst last  month's version.  Not the  8609 version. I  am aware  of the
      delays in the distribution of BITEARN NODES  and I know that it can take
      one month to  install it, but certainly not 5  months, especially if the
      guy down your path to BITNIC has the latest version :-)
    - To facilitate the maintainance of peers  lists, a PEERS FILELIST will be
      created (maintained by the LISTSERV  coordinators) on all the servers of
      the backbone.  For each 'known' peer  list, four files will  be added to
      the filelist and maintained by the owners of the list. These will be:
        o  'listname PEERS'  --  just  the "Peers="  keyword  and the  linkage
           topology for the list. Maybe also the "PW=" keyword.
        o 'listname DESCRIPT' -- a descriptive blurb about the list.
        o 'listname HEADER' -- all the other global keywords.
        o 'listname  LOCAL' -- keywords  that are  local to each  server. This
           file will  usually be  empty and  will be  maintained by  the local
           postmaster,  NOT by  the  list  owner. It  is  supposed to  contain
           keywords like "Notebook=" which differ from server to server.
      All these files will be linked to the list using .IT and .IK statements,
      as appropriate.
      Servers  which don't  have the  corresponding list  will reject  the PUT
      command without sending  any reply back to the owner.  That is, no space
      will be  wasted on their disk,  except for the entries  in the filelist.
      This will  be done  automatically by  means of  an access  control exit.
      Alternatively the  postmaster may opt  for receiving the file  anyway so
      that his server has a list of all peer lists with their descriptions. It
      would then be easy to create  a file like LISTSERV GROUPS automatically,
      from this information.  We would need a few such  servers here and there
      (every  4-5 links  or so).  It  would then  be possible  for someone  to
      volunteer writing local commands which would allow people to access this
      "lists  database"  interactively,  eg  "I  am  interested  in  a  PROLOG
      discussion list, is there something like  that?" -- just search the list
      descriptions for PROLOG and you have it.
      This  system implies  that the  PUT command  will be  sent to  "useless"
      servers but this is not very important as these files will be very small
      (at  worst  20  lines), and  not  updated  every  day.  But it  will  be
      infinitely easier to maintain.
Local mods:
  If I were  an AI program written  in PROLOG, I would  strongly encourage all
sites to make  as many local mods  to their operating systems  and LISTSERV as
possible, as those  sites which have local  mods are those which  cause me the
smallest amount  of problems.  Paradoxically, they  always install  updates in
time and  almost never contact  me about problems  with the code,  even though
they DO have a bunch of problems usually.  Of course I am not a PROLOG (*yuk*)
program and  I won't give  you that  kind of advice,  but I have  no objection
about sites with local mods participating to the backbone. As long as it works
normally when seen from outside, it's ok with me.
So, would this be ok with you?