It would be easy to write an EXEC to automatically update BITEARN NODES from
the NODUPD files from Netserv. Three problems though:
1) LISTSERV must have R/O access to all the required programs.
2) LISTSERV must have R/W access to BITEARN NODES, which is far from being the
   case everywhere.
3) At present it  is not possible to AFD the NODUPD files  from Netserv with a
   prologtext. I  mean, you  can "AFD  password *  NODUPD prologtext"  but the
   prologtext is a constant. If you intended to set it to "PUT fn ft options",
   it won't work because you don't know  in advance what the fileid will be --
   it  changes every  month.  Alternatively, you  could set  it  to "PUT  LAST
   NODUPD" and hope that you will never  receive two updates in a row and have
   the oldest one overwrite the latest one.  I know, they are sent only once a
   month, but in some cases we have seen network delays > 1 month...