I have  been reported problems  with the  NAD authorization checks  twice. A
valid NAD was trying  a FOR command and it failed. Today it  happened to me on
FINHUTC and I found the cause:
1. You  have first  an obvious  possible cause with  those servers  running an
   antediluvian version of BITEARN NODES, where the legitimate NAD was not yet
   defined. Could these servers PLEASE try to update their BITEARN NODES file?
2. When you have updated BITEARN NODES and if it is on a public disk, you must
   reboot LISTSERV so that it rebuilds  its tables. Otherwise LISTSERV gets an
   error reading file  on BITEARN NODES, or  maybe no error at all  but just a
   premature EOF, or maybe even FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED, RE-IPL CMS.
  When I saw  that FINHUTC claimed to  be running the june  version of BITEARN
NODES, I rebooted it and (10 minutes ;-) ) after that my FOR commands went ok.