Well, I have  sent you (= MRG)  an exerpt from A01-010  defining the various
LISTSERV program  categories. Anyone who's  interested please ask me  and I'll
send a copy, I  realize that I have forgotten to put it  in TOOLS FILELIST but
I'll do so  in the next version if I  don't forget ( :-) ). A  program that is
documented in  A01-010 (which is mapped  to LSVxxx HELPCMS in  online form) is
generally a class N or class A  program. The copyright blahblah is normally in
TOOLS FILELIST. You  may freely use these  programs as long as  you conform to
the blurb  I sent  you. In  your case  it is no  problem since  the CPU  is on
  For programs  which are not  yet documented,  like LSVFILER or  LSVIUCV, you
must first contact me  to ask which class I intend to make  them (both class N
in our example  so no problem). As  for LSVPROF, I *really* don't  see any use
for it outside LISTSERV so consider it to be a class L program :-)