Ok. I have already been notified by a couple of people that my listserv
is kicking out junk mail. However, I have not at all touched my
listserv in the last several days (except for the new forward exec).
My listserv has also been sending me notification of possible loops
being detected - as I have already posted a sample of this to this
list. Could this have something to do with the Beta-test going on?
Nothing has changed here - yet everyone seems to think it is this
node screwing up. There is other mail that I have been receiving
via distribute jobs (ibmtcp-l) that seem to be working just fine,
at least from my end. The mail that I have been receiving from my
listserv says that the IBM7171 list has been sending MAIL directly
to my LISTSERV. Then LISTSERV grabs the file in its own queue and
attempts to process the body of the mail as a command. From this,
I can only deduce that someone is sending what it thinks are
distribute jobs to my listserv that are really mail. I also have another
piece of mail sent to my listserv from listserv@bitnic where the
subject is the output of job "listserv" from listserv@irlearn stating
that there is a probable loop symptom and distribution for all the
remaining recpts has been carried out by this server. I have now placed
my LISTSERV in the offline status and I will accumulate these files
before listserv has a chance to touch them. I hope that someone can
figure out what is going on - because I really do not feel that it is
anything I did.
            - Michael Gettes, Boston University