Sample DATABASE session:
---- Input file ----
//ERIC Job Echo=NO
//Rules DD *
Search bar-ilan or taunivm in linkfail where sender is p85025@barilan
Print body
Select * in linkfail since july where sender contains eric
Format sample: #.4r0 "Item" date(4,).5 from.17 "Sender"c -
subject.80 "Problem description"
List sample
---- Reply file ----
Received: by CEARN (Mailer X1.25) id 4764; Sun, 20 Sep 87 18:47:38 GVA
Date:         Sun, 20 Sep 1987 18:47 GVA
From:         Revised List Processor (1.5l) <LISTSERV@CEARN>
Subject:      Output of your job "ERIC"
To:           "Eric Thomas (CERN)" <ERIC@CEARN>
Database LINKFAIL, 1 hits.
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
000154 87/09/20 17:57   21   Bar-Ilan University down times in Sep-Oct
>>> Item number 154, dated 87/09/20 17:57:00: BODY
   Due to Holidays, Bar-Ilan University Computing Center (nodes
BARILAN, BARILVM and BIMACS) will be closed at the following times:
1.  22 Sep 87, 22:00  -  27 Sep 87, 08:00
2.  01 Oct 87, 22:00  -  04 Oct 87, 08:00
3.  07 Oct 87, 12:00  -  18 Oct 87, 08:00
   Some of the machines may be operational during part of the third
period above, intermittently.
   We are an end site, so no other site is affected. We appologize for
possible inconvenience to your users.
Database LINKFAIL, 7 hits.
Item DATE       Sender       Problem description
---- ----       ------       -------------------
0049 07/10 ERIC@FRECP11      Power problems at FRECP11
0054 07/14 ERIC@FRECP11      FRECP11 contact change
0113 08/17 ERIC@CEARN        Lost files on the EARN-JANET gateway
0119 08/20 ERIC@CEARN        CEARN upgrade to SP5
0124 08/25 ERIC@CEARN        FRECP11 downtime until september
0136 09/01 ERIC@CEARN        Mailing loop
0140 09/03 ERIC@CEARN        Large files sent through CEARN