I just  can't remember whether I  had announced it before  or not... Anyway,
here goes: a new document, LISTDB  MEMO (Database functions, U01-012, 50 paper
pages / 2000  lines in 'help' format), is now  available from LISTSERV@FRECP11
via INFO  DATABASE (or GET  LISTDB MEMO), and from  me in LIST3820  format for
those of you who have a 3812/3820 printer. It took about twice as much time to
document than it took  to program :-( I've a bunch of ideas  on how to improve
the thing,  but I don't have  time nor desire  to document it so  I'm probably
going to wait until I really NEED those improvements to code them.
  LDBASE.COM is  not yet available. LDBASE  EXEC is available as  DB EXEC from
me. It's not yet finished, actually I need  to put a few comments in it before
releasing it officially.