I don't  plan to make  LSVIUCV available  to purposes other  than running
LDBASE. In  other words, it  will be like GCS:  any use of  LSVIUCV other
than running  the standard LDBASE  EXEC (and possibly other  future Lxxxx
programs)  is  totally  unsupported.  The  reason  is  that  LSVIUCV  was
originally  written  to  run  in  the LISTSERV  machine.  I  made  a  few
extensions to allow it  to be used by LDBASE EXEC,  because I didn't want
any copyright  problems with WAKEUP  or IUCVTRAP or whatever.  But still,
LSVIUCV is  *not* designed to run  as a WAKEUP-like utility  for a normal
machine.  I don't  want  another 50  questions a  day  about LSVIUCV  not
working properly when I tried this or that option.