> Not  quite. First,  the whole  point in  distribution lists  is to  avoid long
> headers (well that's one of the main points at least). For LINKFAIL, you'd get
> some 800 lines  of header and 10  lines of text, which is  definitely not what
> you want  :-)
   The named lists feature of RFC822 *allows*, but does not *require*,
any or all of the recipients to be listed.  Thus,
   To:  Listname:(xyz discussion group);
is perfectly valid, and keeps the header short, as desired.
   If this discussion is to continue, it should be on one list or the
other, not both.  I'm not on LSTSRV-L, but will join if people think
that's the appropriate list.  I cc'd LSTSRV-L because Eric's posting
was to both lists.