Sorry for the mass posting, and yes, I know it's just adding to it a bit,
but this is getting out of hand already ANYHOW....
Well, here's the pileup at YALEVM-CUNYVM:
Sunday: none
Monday night:   450 (according to Gary Moss)
Tues, 1200EST:  650
Tues, 1230EST:  850
Tues, 1304EST: 1031
Tues, 1419EST: 1243
This big file queue has already caused me to take our RELAY machine offline
to lower the network load.  If it keeps up, I will be taking LISTSERV offline
as well..
Does anybody want to explain exactly what's going on?
                                   Valdis Kletnieks
                                   Systems Programmer
                                   Clarkson University