> ULTIMATELY, the DISTribute function belongs with RSCS....
> ....but that is probably asking TOO MUCH of the world's largest manufacturer
> of computing equipment.
> (They'd have to implement it in JES, too.)
   Is that JES, 2?  ;-)
   Well, actually, JES2 NJE (unlike RSCS!) has had this feature (for a
single target node only) for n years.  If you send a file to multiple
target users at a given node, it should send only one copy of the file
with multiple recipients listed in the dataset headers.  It might be
possible to do a non-major usermod to JES2 to have it do this even for
multiple target nodes, but the mod would need to be on all JES2 nodes
in the path to be useful.  The mod is not trivial because multiple
"packages" would need to be sent out, since some nodes might be on one
outgoing link and others on another link.  (Also unlike RSCS, JES2
supports a multiply connected network.)
   This might be a good SHARE requirement.