1.5m has installed itself smoothly on most of the LISTSERVs, except a few ones
whose disk was full.  And those on the other side  of FRMOP22-CEARN of course.
The MEMO shipment was  received there around 6pm local, a  mere 22 hours after
it was sent.  But of course it's  a really *huge* file (two  hundred and fifty
records or so, totalling an  incredible *fourteen* kilobytes), and I shouldn't
have expected it to be delivered faster than snailmail would have done, should
I?  Well actually  I  think that  the  code files  are  saving themselves  for
Christmas  day.  They plan  to  land  on  LISTSERV@CEARN's reader  during  the
24th-to-25th night :-)