Formerly when I received mail for lists to which others at YALEVM also
subscribed, the mail arrived with all of us listed in the To:  field and
apparently only one copy of the mail was sent (or distributed ?)  to
MAILER@YALEVM for delivery to local subscribers.  Now each of the YALEVM
subscribers receives an individually addressed copy; that contributes
unnecessarily (and significantantly, I presume) to the increase in network
file traffic!  It also unnecessarily hides from local subscribers the answers
to the questions:  "Who has already seen this mailing?"  or "Who else is
interested in this topic?".  What happened to "multiple addresses in a single
copy" distribution over the network?  What caused this change to less
efficient delivery?  Is there some reason why we can't resume distributing
one multiply-addressed copy of each list mailing for all addressees served by
the same MAILER ??
Jim Owen (YCC postmaster)