Three LISTSERV problems have been found so far:
- PROFS mail is not  handled properly with 1.5m (I always  test MAIL and NOTE,
  but I don't have PROFS so can't test it).
- There is  a problem  with mixed-case owners  not being  recognized properly.
  This  existed  already  in  the  previous releases,  but  hopefully  95%  of
  authority verifications are now handled by a single exec, LSVCKPRV, and I'll
  be able to fix the problem once and for all with a single change.
- The date  syntax form  'monthname yy' yields  incorrect results  in database
  searchs. The other date specifications are ok.
I will be sending a FIX15M2 sometime but  I'm very busy at the moment with the
3380  migration. I'm  trying to  get the  system moved  to the  3380s so  that
FRECP11 may  remain up on  friday (the failing  controller is scheduled  to be
down all day). This would have already  been done if I was allowed to shutdown
the system  whenever I need  it, but that's  not the way  thing go. Well  if I
don't succeed, FRECP11  will be down on friday (and  possibly over the weekend
if the CEs  fry the controller up :-(  ). If I do succeed, RSCS  and the major
servers will be up (but most users won't).